Proud to Have Been Elected as Your Groomer of Choice!
Open all day on Election Day!

Yes, I’m tired of all these political ads too! I just want it all to be OVER!
Who knew a month ago that all the political hot air would be even worse (for South Florida) than Hurricane Matthew? Do you feel like us (and the pooch in the pic to the left) about the political ads? Just in the time that it has taken to write this blog post and this month’s newsletter, I think I’ve heard & seen about 112 political ads. Ugggghhh!
The best news of the day is that the political rhetoric and bickering is almost over. By tonight (hopefully) we’ll know who will be leading the country (exactly where we’ll be led is yet to be seen) and the nation can begin to reunite.
The even better news: The November coupons are below! Just print them out and bring ’em in! Remember, its always best to call us at 954-349-4441 to schedule an appointment.
Please… after all we’ve listened to, remember that your right to vote is something that many people across the globe only dream of having. Exercise your right and get out and VOTE today if you haven’t already done so.
Hope to see you soon! Remember, all of the offers expire November 30th, 2016.