Keep Your Dogs Cool This Summer!
As summer heats up its important to keep your pup cool… just like the one over here! (No, not really cool like that… the other cool.)
K-9 Kuts cares about your pet… we always have! As such, we found a great article with 12 ways to keep your dog cool this summer. We really hope you’ll take the time to read it as this is such an important topic… especially because of our location in sunny (and hot) South Florida.
One tip that isn’t included in the top 12 is to give your pup a bit of a shorter hair cut during the summer months. That doesn’t mean to shave your dog down to its skin as a dog’s coat acts as “insulation”. It helps to keep him cool in the heat and warm when the weather gets cold. Be sure to brush between groomings as brushed fur allows for better air circulation.
We hope to see you soon. Please feel free to print out the sheet of coupons below. All of the offers expire June 30th, 2017. Please remember that the best way to book an appointment is to call us directly at 954-349-4441.